Gleanings: Work in the workshops and exchange in the afternoon
The afternoon of the Tübingen symposium was characterised by workshops and the exchange of ideas among colleagues. The participants were able to deepen their knowledge in 2 of 4 offered workshops, to exchange ideas with their colleagues and to take examples of how to implement them in everyday school life. In addition to Dr. Stephan Podes from the Regional Council of Tübingen, the forums were attended by speakers from the working group "Gymnasium - Wirtschaft - Hochschule", from the regional employment agencies and from the University of Tübingen and the University of Ulm.
were topics:
- The Study Information Day / Module 3
- Skills - Interests - Values - Goals / Module 4
At this workshop, the participants were interested in the basics on which the occupation with skills and interests can be built, in particular the orientation test was mentioned. A further question of the participants was how to motivate pupils to (self-)reflection, here as an "instrument" it was advised to use self- and external assessment (e.g. by parents or classmates) in interaction. Further interest was shown in the sustainability of the work on the topic: one recommendation was to use the BOGY-Compass as a "mini-documentation" of the pupils. Best practice examples were also requested by the participants. One approach came from the group of participants: many students felt under pressure during the study and career orientation process to make a decision now for their (whole) future (professional) life. A change or dropout among the ambassadors invited to the school could convey that a decision made is not irrevocable and that a "change of course" is possible in the course of a lifetime.
- External advice and information / Module 7
- Implementation of the guideline / school concepts