Tools for blended learning

To ensure that the combination of self-study phases and classroom teaching is successful, KIT has various tools at its disposal. These tools are suitable both for teaching learning content and for checking the level of knowledge - whether in the self-study phase or during classroom teaching.

Tools for the self-learning phase

A well-structured and comprehensible preparation of learning content and the provision of tasks with automated feedback are important for a successful self-learning phase. The following tools will help you with this.

Presentation of learning content: ILIAS offers numerous functions for creating learning material for the self-study phase and making it available to students in a structured way.
  • Interactive presentation as H5P object
  • Interactive graphic as H5P object
  • Interactive video as H5P object
  • ILIAS learning module
  • ILIAS data collection
Tasks for the learning content: To give learners the opportunity to test their knowledge in the self-study phase and to identify gaps in their knowledge, you can use different types of tasks on ILIAS.
  • Single, multiple and Kprim choice tasks
  • Drag & drop tasks
  • Vertical and horizontal arrangement tasks
  • Cloze and long menu questions
  • Hotspot image or image map
  • Formula questions
  • Marking errors and words
  • Naming terms
  • Question types with numerical answers
  • Free text answers with conditional autofeedback
  • File upload without autofeedback
  • H5P task palette
You can find more information on the individual task types in the following instructions: ILIAS self-test procedure
Other tools for the self-study phase: Apart from ILIAS, there are also other programs and platforms that you can use to create self-study material and tasks.
  • LUMI: A free offline H5P editor with the same functions as in ILIAS; can be exported as an HTML file or as a SCORM module.
  • (free of charge) or (for a fee)


Tools for the synchronous session

Activation and feedback are the be-all and end-all. You can also use a number of tools to conduct the session - whether in the lecture hall, seminar room or via Zoom.

Audience Response Systems (ARS): With ARS, you can check the students' learning status or obtain feedback at any time. These systems allow students to actively participate in the session.
Digital whiteboards: Digital whiteboards are particularly suitable for brainstorming, developing or consolidating learning content and for pair and group work. Students can record and visualize their ideas and results.
  • White PowerPoint slide in the course on MS Teams; one white slide per group for group work
  • Zoom whiteboard; divide into different sections for group work
Writing conferences: KIT also provides a tool for collaborative text creation. It can be used for brainstorming, collective writing or group work.
  • Word in MS Teams; one document per group for group work.

Digital games and playful elements

Gamification increases student motivation and therefore also learning success. It also brings variety to the learning process. The following data protection-compliant and free options are available:
  • All H5P task types that reward with points and stars.

  • H5P-Memory

  • H5P Game Map

  • H5P hotspots

  • Badges for successful learning steps

  • Educational Escape Rooms


You can create and present all these functions directly in ILIAS.

Random distribution

For the distribution of tasks or if your students have worked on tasks in groups and there is not enough time for all presentations, a selection must be made. The wheel of fortune can be used for this and other matters where randomness is required. Note: Do not enter any student names or other personal data in the input fields. Use designations such as "Group 1" or "Subject B".

There are many other apps and systems. For data protection reasons, these are not permitted at KIT.