ChatGPT at universities: An overview of publications
Would you like to learn more about how generative AI tools and chatbots can be provided and used at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)? On our page on generative AI you will find detailed information about the specific applications and possibilities. |
What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT can best answer that itself: "I am a chatbot developed by OpenAI. My main function is to respond to questions and requests in natural language, enabling a human-like conversation. I have been trained through machine learning by analyzing an enormous amount of text from the internet and can therefore respond to a wide range of topics."
Due to its impressive capabilities and free usage options, ChatGPT is currently causing quite a stir. An artificial intelligence that can easily write texts - what does this mean for university teaching? On this page, we want to provide an overview of current publications on ChatGPT.

The use of generative AI tools in studying and teaching is still associated with many unanswered questions. Hardly any area of study and teaching remains untouched by the multi-purpose nature of these tools. However, their use is not always sensible or free of risks. For this reason, more and more universities are publishing their own AI guidelines, which contain internal recommendations for action and specifications. The HFD spotlight "Guidelines for dealing with generative AI" addresses the status of AI guidelines at German universities and draws practical conclusions for their (further) development.
To the guidelines
Katharina Opper, a master's student in educational science at the FernUniversität in Hagen, has developed a prototype for a teaching/learning unit on "Socratic Conversation with ChatGPT". This approach promotes critical thinking through interaction with AI and can be used in courses and seminars to support dialog, reflection and discussion between students and teachers.
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ChatGPT and AI-supported image generators threaten to undermine current copyright law in key areas. Professional associations see thousands of livelihoods in the creative industries threatened by image generators such as Midjourney. The Center for Applied Legal Studies at KIT is analyzing the legal consequences of this rapid technological development.
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Current developments in Natural Language Processing hold enormous potential to disruptively change the education system. Accordingly, higher education institutions are facing unprecedented transformational pressures to maintain the value of academic education. Against this backdrop, the authors discuss the implications of Artificial Intelligence-based writing tools in transforming academic writing practices.
To the E-paper
In the paper of the University of Hohenheim, in which KIT is also involved, the contributors of several teaching research projects present the basic principles of generative AI, language models, and chatbots. In addition, recommendations for action are given for students, teachers, and examiners, each with concrete examples of input prompts.
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From the point of view of Dr. Ulrike Hanken from the University Didactics Academy, a fundamental attitude is necessary for dealing with AI tools such as ChatGPT in university teaching. She explains this in the following video. The video is part of the self-study course "ChatGPT and artificial intelligence in university teaching - opportunities and possibilities". In this video-based self-study course, Dr. Ulrike Hanken gives a first systematic overview of ChatGPT and other AI-based tools.
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ChatGPT can generate texts that are easy to read, but they do not yet meet scientific standards. But what can and should teachers pay attention to when dealing with automatically generated texts? Where are the possible sources of error? Sophie Eckenstaler, research assistant at the Chair of Digital History at the Humboldt University in Berlin, explores the scope and limitations of this technology using a practical example from the field of history.
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Education managers can't avoid ChatGPT. So guidelines for its use are needed. A proposal from experts at Wharton Business School focuses on when and how, the limitations, and the need for personal effort.
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A project team from Ruhr-Universität Bochum led by Dr. Peter Salden, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren from Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), has presented a comprehensive legal assessment of the fundamental legal issues surrounding the use of AI-based writing tools at universities.
To the expert opinion
In the current issue of "DFN-Infobrief Recht", Nicolas John gives an overview (with the help of an AI) of legal problems in the use of AI software. Using the programs DALL-E (image generation) and ChatGPT (speech generator) as examples, copyright, data protection and privacy issues are discussed.
To the Infobrief
New tools that support us cognitively have already found their way into education and everyday life in the past. Prof. Christian Spannagel (PH Heidelberg) therefore pleads in his blog post for an unagitated handling of the text generator ChatGPT.
To the blog post_rdax_1024x171_98.png)
The media didactic institution of the TU Munich "ProLehre" has formulated a handout for the use of ChatGPT in teaching.
To the document_rdax_1024x171_98.png)
The Bavarian Competence Center for Distance Examinations (BayKFP) at the Technical University of Munich has published a first legal assessment on the handling of ChatGPT in distance examinations at Bavarian universities.
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