Provision and subsequent use
Teachers who own or administer a recording in OC-AV can make it available to others in various ways. In general, the workflow of the automated lecture recording provides for the following variations:
- in the current semester for the current course(provision channel ILIAS)
- transfer to KITopen with KIT-internal, campus-wide accessibility and the option of versioning(KITopen campus-wide provision channel)
- the permanent provision of the recording as an Open Educational Resource with worldwide reach and the option to update (provision channelKITopen-Worldwide) in accordance with the KIT OER guidelines(see here).
As soon as a recording has been made available via one of these channels, the recording can also be "reused". This means that teachers can edit the recording using simple means and, for example, enrich it with interactive elements such as queries or clickable additional information. The videos edited in this way can also be used in several ILIAS courses. You can find more information on this page under "Reuse"
Providing the recordings
Detailed information on the workflow can be found on the KIT library website.
If you have any questions, please contact the KIT library.
Subsequent use of own recordings
Individual recordings or parts thereof can also be used in other courses and contexts. Minor additions or corrections are possible without video editing.
In the OpenCast recording administration (OC-AV) you will receive permanent URLs to individual recording files for use in an interactive video player in ILIAS. The H5P interactive video player available in ILIAS is used as the video player. You will find written instructions HERE and various use cases as interactive sliders below. This is how it works: