We at the Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML) are committed to the continuous and systematic development of media use in teaching in order to actively shape the future of teaching at KIT. Together with you, we want to advance digitization in teaching and in the communication of science at KIT. Please contact us for further information on our range of services or for advice on your individual project.

The Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML) is part of the Digitalization and Sustainability department.


Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning

The new newsletter is here!

In the latest issue of our newsletter, we take a look at exciting developments in the field of artificial intelligence. We present the training series "Artificial Intelligence in University Teaching" (FO>KI) and report on the bwDigiRecht legal information center, which supports universities in digital legal issues. In a field report, Svenja Geißler shows how courses can be held hybrid and internationally with automatic simultaneous translation. We would also like to inspire you with our ZML Advent calendar. We wish you a peaceful Christmas season!

Do you already know the ZML Advent calendar?

The ZML Advent calendar is back again this year. New insights, interesting information and practical tips await you every day from December 1 to 24! Under the motto "Do you already know...?" we present various services, innovative tools and current developments on topics such as AI, which you can use to enrich your teaching at KIT.

Take the opportunity to be inspired every day and discover new ideas for your work and teaching.

To the advent calendar
The Digital Maker Space at KIT

The new Digital Maker Space offers KIT members and students the opportunity to realize their creative ideas in a professional environment. It comprises two media production rooms, a sound studio and two large video studios, which have been specially designed to meet the requirements of KIT productions and teaching purposes.

On our website you will find an overview of scenarios that can be implemented in the rooms as well as initial instructions. Do you have ideas or concrete scenarios that you would like to implement? Then please contact us!

More Information

Stay up to date...

Our newsletter, which we send out three times a year, and the ZML account on Twitter and LinkedIn will keep you informed about the latest developments in digital teaching. We also report on our own services and events.


Newsletter 02/2024

Newsletter 01/2024

Newsletter 03/2023




FO>KI: Generative KI in der Hochschullehre. Adversariale Übungen, Co-Creation und ethische Reflexion

FO>KI: Generative KI in der Hochschullehre. Adversariale Übungen, Co-Creation und ethische Reflexion

January 24, 2025 9:00 - 12:00Online-Workshop
Am 24.01.2025 findet von 09:00 bis 12:00 Uhr der Onlineworkshop „Generative KI in der Hochschullehre: Adversariale Übungen, Co-Creation und ethische Reflexion“ statt. Unter der Leitung von Philipp Kellmeyer (Universität Mannheim) widmet sich der interaktive Workshop der Nutzung von generativer KI, insbesondere Large-Language Models (LLM) in der Hochschullehre, insbesondere im Rahmen von Red-Teaming-Übungen und anderen adversarialen Methoden.
Ziel von adversarialen Übungen wie „Red-Teaming“ ist es, potenzielle Schwachstellen von LLMs aufzudecken und so deren Begrenzungen und Risiken kritisch hinterfragen zu lernen. Es können damit auch interessante ethische Fragestellungen identifiziert werden (z.B. zu Bias/Fairness, Diskriminierung usw.). Die Workshop-Teilnehmenden lernen, wie solche Übungen eingesetzt werden und können sie co-kreativ selbst ausprobieren. Da solche adverserialen Übungen jedoch selbst wiederum ethische Risiken haben und es diesbezüglich noch an Richtlinien fehlt, bietet der Workshop auch eine erste Gelegenheit, über Grundlagen für eine entsprechende Empfehlung zu diskutieren.
Thematischer Input: Einführung in generative KI und Red-Teaming sowie deren Anwendungen in der Hochschullehre.
Gruppenarbeit: Szenariobasierte Co-Creation von Anwendungsfällen für die Lehre in verschiedenen Bereichen. Die Teilnehmenden entwickeln Anwendungsfälle und testen diese.
Ergebnisse und Gruppendiskussion: Präsentation der Szenarien und Diskussion der Ergebnisse. Gemeinsame Reflexion über ethische Risiken und Strategien zur verantwortungsvollen Nutzung von LLMs in der Lehre. Die Ergebnisse werden dokumentiert, z.B. in Form eines Prinzipienkatalogs zur verantwortungsvollen Nutzung.
Der Workshop richtet sich an Lehrende, Support-Mitarbeitende und Hochschulleitungen, die sich für die Integration von KI in die Lehre interessieren und den ethischen Aspekten besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenken möchten.

to event calendar

Digital People Interviews

In our Digital People Interviews, we introduce you to people who have immersed themselves in the digital world and are helping to shape it through new structures, their teaching or innovation(s).

To the interview overview

Andreas Reichert

Episode 20:
In the 20th episode, Andreas Reichert answers our questions. He heads the media center of the KIT library at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (NL02/2024)

To the interview
Monika Landgraf

Episode 19:
Monika Landgraf is head of the overall communications department at KIT. She is also KIT's press spokesperson, deputy head of the Staff and Strategy Service Unit (STS) and acting head of the Central Marketing Department. (NL03/2023)

To the interview
Moritz Mödinger

Episode 18:
Moritz Mödinger has been working as a research assistant at the Research Center for School Sport and Sport for Children and Adolescents (FoSS) at the Institute of Sport and Sport Science (IfSS) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) since 2019. He is also a lecturer at the Seminar for Teacher Training in Heilbronn and works as a teacher at Hölderlin-Gymnasium in Lauffen am Neckar. (NL02/2023)

To the interview



Here you will find selected highlights from our work. We would be happy to advise you individually if you want to realize similar projects or have completely new ideas.