Innovation space for generative AI at KIT

The strategy fund project aims to promote the competent use of generative AI at KIT and at the same time address risks responsibly. In cooperation with three central institutions - the Scientific Computing Center (SCC), the Digital Office (DO) and the Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML) - a development framework for the use of generative AI at KIT is to be developed, which is intended to advance both the technological infrastructure and practice-oriented applications. By combining explorative approaches and concrete use cases, the sustainable use of AI at KIT is to be ensured and the further development of the technology actively shaped. Particular attention is paid to facilitating access to generative AI for colleagues without prior knowledge.

Key objectives:

  • Development framework for the use of generative AI at KIT: explorative testing of Large Language Models (LLMs) and pilot implementation of use cases in research, teaching and administration
  • Definition of a range of services for the use of AI at KIT
  • Qualification programs and networks for relevant stakeholders
  • Continuous communication with KIT



Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML)

The Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML) supports teachers and researchers in integrating generative AI into teaching in a meaningful way. The aim is to use the potential of these new technologies in a didactically sound manner and to reflect on both the opportunities and challenges in the education sector.

As part of the project, the ZML is focusing on training courses that familiarize teachers with the possibilities and limitations of generative AI. Through workshops and training courses, the ZML imparts basic knowledge and at the same time identifies the specific needs for AI applications at KIT. In addition, the ZML offers advice and information services to support lecturers in the reflected and well-founded integration of generative AI into their teaching.

Contact persons at the ZML
Svenja Geißler
Phone: +49 721 608-48154
E-mail: svenja.geißler∂

Jennifer Heck
Phone: +49 721 608-48167
E-mail: j.heck∂

Daniel Weichsel
Phone: +49 721 608-48207
E-mail: daniel.weichsel∂

Scientific Computing Center (SCC)

The Scientific Computing Center (SCC) provides the technical infrastructure and expertise for generative AI at KIT. It offers researchers and students high-performance computing resources and secure access to AI applications and supports their practical use in research and teaching.

As part of the project, the SCC focuses on the technical implementation of specific use cases. The SCC not only provides the necessary computing capacities for this, but also supports the implementation and analysis of the applications. In addition, the SCC offers technical advice and support to enable the effective and safe use of generative AI models at KIT.

Contact persons at the SCC
Suleiman Elkhoury
Phone: +49 721 608-48982
E-mail: suleiman.elkhoury∂

Philip Hoyer
Phone: +49 721 608-45094
E-mail: philip.hoyer∂

Ulrich Weiß
Phone: +49 721 608-44868
E-mail: weiss∂

Digital Office (DO)

The Digital Office supports the KIT in the strategic use of generative AI and accompanies the development and implementation of AI-related initiatives. The focus of this project is on integrating new applications of generative AI into digital processes in the best possible way while meeting the needs of users.

One focus of the DO is on the development of guidelines that promote the responsible and effective use of generative AI at KIT. Through the exchange with various stakeholders, framework conditions are created that take into account technical as well as ethical and organizational aspects.

Contact persons at DO
Alexander Haas
Phone: +49 721 608-41034
E-mail: alexander.haas∂

Jan Kröger
Phone: +49 721 608-43158
E-mail: jan.kroeger∂