Remote scenarios

In the remote scenarios, students participate in the examination with their own terminal device from a place of their own choice outside the premises of KIT.

For the remote scenarios "Open Book Upload Examination", "Open Book Online Examination", "Upload Examination under Video Supervision" as well as "Online Examination under Video Supervision" you will find further information on the respective subpages.

All materials can be found in ILIAS under Magazine > Exams > Materials for Examiners (Note: Currently, the materials for WS22/23 are still being revised). There you will also find instructions for students for each scenario, which you can pass on to the exam takers so that they can familiarize themselves with the respective scenario and its technical requirements before a mock exam.

Also check out the blog on ILIAS for news on current developments and tips on written digital exam formats.

If the change to a digital format is accompanied by a change in the content of the exam, e.g. if you are switching from a written exam to an open book format for the first time, you should also inform the students about this at an early stage and provide practice opportunities for the new content-related task format.


Contact person at ZML
Thomas May
Phone: +49 721 608-48208
E-mail: may∂