AMALEA - Online course: Applied MAchine LEarning Algorithms

In the AMALEA project, a joint project group of the ZML and theInstitute for Information Processing Technology (ITIV)a German-language Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the topic of applied machine learning algorithms. The MOOC provides both a basic understanding of machine learning and practical skills in dealing with algorithms. In close cooperation with the AI CampusAMALEA has been available to all interested parties without restriction on the AI Campus platform since September 2021:

AMALEA is based on the award-winning course "Laboratory for Applied Machine Learning Algorithms" (LAMA) at KIT and aims to develop skills at both a theoretical and applied level. To this end, ZML and ITIV have jointly developed a MOOC that combines learning videos, classic quiz formats and programming tasks in interactive Jupyter notebooks.

Contact persons at ZML

Manuela Adams
Phone: +49 721-608-48211
E-mail: manuela.adams∂

Former project members at the ZML:
David Lohner
Ulla Gilbert

The individual course topics are offered in chapters, with the teaching videos presenting the basic content of each topic and the associated Jupyter notebooks allowing students to deepen their knowledge and apply it in practice using programming tasks. Classical teaching methods are thus combined with executable software code.

Following the QUA3CKprocess developed at KIT, participants learn step by step to identify AI use cases, to understand and interpret AI results and to select and implement suitable machine learning (ML) methods themselves.The ML methods covered include both classic methods and various neural networks, including convolutional and recurrent neural networks.

The course comprises a total of six learning weeks, each lasting around eight hours.

AMALEA was developed in close cooperation with the AI Campus. The aim of this BMBF-funded pilot project is to set up a digital learning platform specializing in AI.

Project result: Since 20.09.2021, the MOOC AMALEA has been freely accessible on the KI-Campus learning platform and enables a broad audience to learn machine learning skills at university level regardless of location and time. The course has had a steadily growing number of participants since its publication.

Click here to go to AMALEA
AMALEA: An online course on machine learning