Using the opportunities of AI: Introduction and testing of bwGPT in Baden-Württemberg

As part of the dialog process, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science has approved a joint application from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Aalen University of Applied Sciences and the University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd for the introduction and testing of ChatGPT as a state service bwGPT with a start date of May 1, 2024. In addition to the applicants, a further 12 universities are involved in testing bwGPT.

The aim of bwGPT is to enrich the courses offered at universities in Baden-Württemberg through the use of modern AI tools, to effectively prepare students for the future requirements of a professional world characterized by artificial intelligence and to enable contemporary higher education.

In the pilot phase, a technical solution is being developed that will enable 15 state universities to access bwGPT in compliance with data protection regulations. Teachers and students have the opportunity to test the AI as a teaching tool in three selected courses per participating institution for one semester free of charge. The experiences and findings from this phase will serve as a basis for the future use of AI technologies in academic teaching.

There are numerous advantages for lecturers who take part in the project with their own course:

Contact persons at the ZML
Sarah Holstein
Overall project management
Phone: +49 721 608-48219
E-mail: sarah.holstein∂

Judith Borel
Head of accompanying didactic program
Phone: +49 721-608-48205
E-mail: judith.borel∂

Contact persons at the HS Aalen
Dr. Martin Franzen
Project management HS Aalen
Phone: +49 7361 576
Mobile: +49 1779735055
E-mail: martin.franzen∂

  • Exchange of experience: You benefit from a moderated exchange with colleagues to reflect on your own experiences and identify best-practice scenarios
  • Didactic support: You will receive tips and suggestions from experts on the use of bwGPT in courses
  • Information offers: Target group-specific information offerings such as webinars, guidelines and handouts give you the opportunity to expand your own knowledge of the use of generic AI in teaching and to optimize the use of bwGPT.

The integration of bwGPT into learning platforms such as ILIAS, Moodle, Canvas and Open Olat enables seamless integration into the teaching context. The planned expansion of the project to other state universities is an important building block in the comprehensive adaptation of higher education in Baden-Württemberg to current developments in the field of generative AI.

Financed by

A project as part of the