
Coordination Office for Digitization in Teaching at KIT

The implementation of digitization in teaching can only succeed in the long term and across the university if it is perceived as a joint task of all responsible actors, levels, and persons and is dovetailed accordingly. It is the task of the ZML to ensure this networking at KIT and to coordinate distributed responsibilities and activities.

In accordance with its mission, the Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML) acts as a contact and coordination point for digital teaching topics at KIT. It is committed to the continuous and systematic development of media use in teaching in order to actively shape the media future of teaching at KIT.

In doing so, the ZML sees itself on the one hand as a representative of the teaching staff at KIT, picks up on their requirements and needs, bundles and represents them in the relevant bodies defined in the IV governance: Media and IV Coordination (MIK), Committee for IV Infrastructure (A-IVI), and in the Steering Committee IV Study & Teaching. On the other hand, the content-related focus is based on strategic considerations derived from.

Contact persons at the ZML
Michaela Koehl
Phone: +49 721 608-48202
E-mail: michaela.koehl∂kit.edu

Sarah Holstein
Phone: +49 721 608-48219
E-mail: sarah.holstein∂kit.edu

Andreas Sexauer
Phone: +49 721 608-48215
E-mail: andreas.sexauer∂kit.edu

Umbrella Strategy KIT 2025
(only KIT internally available)

The umbrella strategy defines essential frameworks for digitization in academic education and for the information technology development of KIT.

Mission statement for studies and teaching

With its focus on research-oriented teaching, KIT takes into account its dual mission as a university of the state of Baden-Württemberg and as a national research center in the Helmholtz Association

KIT Information Processing and Supply (IV) Strategy

The IV strategy addresses the special issues of digitization in studies and teaching in one of a total of 10 focus topics. An intensive discussion and prioritization of topics is currently taking place in the committees established by the IV governance adopted in 2017.

Scientific management

Prof. Dr. Gerd Gidion
E-mail: gerd.gidion∂kit.edu

Several service units are involved in the provision of services in the area of digital teaching. With the e-learning service pages, the ZML has created a central portal for users in order to present services and offers transparently, independent of the provider, and to provide contact persons within KIT. To ensure a coordinated approach between the DEs, the ZML is in regular exchange especially with the service units Library, Steinbuch Center for Computing, General Services, and Facility Management.

For the Digital Office, the ZML acts as the first point of contact in the area of digital teaching and contributes its expertise by leading corresponding working groups. Externally, the ZML also acts as the central point of contact on issues of digital teaching at KIT and operates networking with relevant institutions and partners such as the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (University Forum on Digitization), the Hochschulnetzwerk Digitalisierung der Lehre Baden-Württemberg (HND-BW), eteaching.org, or TU9.