DORA4KIT-Data Literacy is part of the ExU-project "Research Data Management".
The goal of DORA4KIT is to promote professional competencies in research data management (RDM) among students and lecturers at KIT. As a project partner, the ZML designs and produces customized digital RDM learning formats. These courses are to be used in the early phase of academic training. Additionally, an associated RDM learning platform is being developed and is to be rolled out on the central ILIAS-Platform at KIT by 2022.
Data literacy is considered a key competence in the digital age. KIT has set the goal of promoting competencies for sustainable and professional handling of research data. The goal is to establish RDM with the first semesters of academic studies.
Contact persons at the ZML
Dr. Carolin Henken
Phone: +49 721-608-48204
E-Mail: carolin.henken∂
Manuela Schmidt
Phone: +49 721-608-48167
The project team DORA4KIT results on a collaboration of the Institute for Functional Interfaces (IFG), the Institute for Biological and Chemical Systems - Functional Molecular Systems (IBCS-FMS), the Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML), the Institute for Vocational and General Education (IBAP), the House of Competence (HoC), the Steinbuch Center for Computing (SCC) and the RDM∂KIT service team.
DORA4KIT focusses on development of content to systematically raise awareness for RDM as well as providing the relevant educational material and courses for students and teachers. In this context the ZML designs and produces customized digital learning modules. These can either be integrated into existing courses or can be offered as additional key qualifications for individuals.
The longer-term goal is to establish an RDM learning platform on ILIAS in order to provide these courses centrally and online at KIT.
The courses need to meet the following criteria:
Digital & capable of being integrated: Integration of the digital learning modules into the curricula needs to be possible in a simple and straight forward fashion. This will require close cooperation with the subject areas. Provided didactic support for lecturers should facilitate the use of the offered RDM courses in teaching and even encourage the implementation of new learning formats (such as blended-learning scenarios).
In theory and in practice: FDM should not only be taught theoretically, but also be connected to specific application scenarios. This ensures a sustainable transfer of skills into practice.
Initial milestone is the launch of the first customized learning module this winter semester (2021/22) for the chemistry department. This online module is currently being developed by the ZML, the IFG, under direction of Prof. Dr. Ute Schepers and the Chemotion team around Dr. Nicole Jung. Groups of students from the chemical department are trained in the use of the electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) Chemotion - beginning from the first semester. Furthermore, they are made aware of the FAIR-handling of research data.
Why make a course about ELN Chemotion?
The ELN Chemotion was developed at KIT especially for RDM in its chemistry department and has been in use since 2016. An introductional video on ELN Chemotion is available online. It was produced by ZML in collaboration with Dr. Nicole Jung (IBCS-FMS):
Content of the course:
The course provides theoretical background of RDM and its practical application. Learning is based on text, videos and quiz formats as well as practical exercises using the ELN Chemotion. The strong connection of the course content and teaching content will encourage students to document their experiments in the associated chemical practicum independently. In addition, they will gain an initial understanding of the need for thorough data documentation.
What´s next?
After final evaluation of the pilot run, the RDM course offer will be expanded in summer semester 2022 with an introductory module to RD management. Also, the first SQ offers are to be implemented in cooperation with the HoC. These and future learning offers are centrally available for KIT on the FDM learning platform.
If you would like to provide digital learning scenarios for RDM yourself, require additional material or have questions please do not hesitate to contact us. |