What will the technology of the future look like? How do I get from an idea to functioning technology? How will things be regulated and controlled in the age of automation? How, for example, does a "SmartHome" know when to switch on the blackout? How can I teach autonomous vehicles to recognize obstacles?
You will deal with these exciting questions about the possibilities of regulating and controlling electrical engineering when you attend the Science Camp at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
In the Science Camp Electrical Engineering we will implement our own control project with the open source electronics platform Arduino. We will learn how to program the microcontroller and how to connect and control different sensors and actuators. Anyone can participate with or without prior knowledge.
Contact person at the ZML
Michael Gauss
Phone: +49 721 608-48206
E-mail: michael.gauss3∂kit.edu
Contact person at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Katharina Williams
Phone: +49 721 608-42641
E-Mail:katharina williams ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
During the camp week, we want to develop a project with some special abilities. This could be, for example, an automatic irrigation system or a self-driving mopping robot – there are no limits to your creativity! You can follow your own ideas, try out sensors and actuators. You are allowed to take your completed system home with you!
You will program, work electronically and mechanically and you can discuss your ideas with each other and with experts. Furthermore, the camp allows you to meet new people and to deal with the topic of (electro)technology in a creative way.
If you have your own laptop, bring it along. Then you can continue programming after the camp with the materials you will take home. If you would like to borrow a laptop from us, that is also possible. Just let us know by mail before the camp.

Your favorite subjects at school were always mathematics or physics?
You can imagine to deal with current research topics such as medical technology or aerospace and thus help to shape the future?
Then Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at KIT could be the right study program for you!
more informationOverview
Science Camp Electrical Engineering
28.07.24 - 02.08.24
for young people from 14-16 years
The costs for accommodation, meals (full board), excursion, experimental material (components, microcontrollers, etc.) amount to 275 Euro. Anyone can participate with or without previous knowledge.
The camp is planned with overnight stay. Please note that the program may change depending on the pandemic situation. If necessary, the costs will be adjusted. It is expected that the 2G principle will apply to ensure the highest possible safety for the students. |
Registration information
Maximum number of participants: 20 students
The registration takes place online via the Page of the Pupil Academy.
The KIT will inform you directly about the acceptance or rejection. Please transfer the fee to the Schülerakademie only afterwards!
The Science Camp Electromobility is offered in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and is carried out in close cooperation with the Center for Energy and the Schülerakademie Karlsruhe e.V..