ZML contributes communication expertise on energy topics to a Helmholtz project - Video, MOOC and more for the SmILES project
The manifold work for the knowledge and innovation community EIT InnoEnergy in the past years and contacts in the Economics of Energy Systems and Environment working group around Prof. Ute Karl at the European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER) resulted in an early involvement of the ZML in the application for the Horizon 2020 project SmILES (SmILES), which is now coordinated by KIT. In the SmILES project with project coordinator Isabelle Südmeyer from the Helmholtz Energy Program "Storage and Cross-linked Infrastructures" (SCI), electrical and thermal energy networks are simulated in order to optimize the intelligent integration of energy storage in local multi-energy systems. The aim is to contribute to a higher share of renewable energies in the European energy mix in the long term.
The ZML worked especially for work package 7 "Communication and publications". The main component was the development and implementation of target group-oriented communication measures, in particular two webinars.
But the ZML employees were also able to contribute further building blocks for the communication of the Helmholtz project to the outside world. For example, after the project started, the team was commissioned to produce an animated explanatory video, banners and a leaflet. Through its direct involvement in the SmILES project, the ZML team was able to spontaneously identify needs, offer help and thus directly relieve the project management, i.e. provide a package of services such as those offered in the Science Media Service.
Contact person at the ZML
Christian Wetzel
49 721 608 - 48212
E-mail: Christian Wetzel ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
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