MOOCs archive
The ZML has been involved in the development and production of numerous MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), which are publicly accessible online courses that integrate a wide range of media content. Although these MOOCs are no longer actively offered, the overview on this page provides an insight into the successful courses that the ZML has implemented in collaboration with teachers.
MOOCs against chronic procrastination
One of the earlier MOOCs was "MOOCs against chronic procrastination". Developed at the Chair of Applied Psychology and in cooperation with the ZML, this course aimed to support participants in overcoming their procrastination behavior. Over the course of ten weeks, this video-based course provided scientific background and practical exercises to help participants reflect on and change their own behavior. KIT's first MOOC was launched on the iversity platform in fall 2014 and was awarded the German Educational Media Prize digita in 2015. The course was also available on OpenCourses KIT and received a great response throughout Germany.
MOOC for WBS teachers
From the 2017/18 school year, the subject "Economics, career and study orientation" was introduced at secondary and comprehensive schools, starting with year 7, in which the perspective of students choosing a career is central. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs has offered modular online training so that teachers who teach this subject outside of the classroom or who want to learn the economic basics of the subject have the opportunity to train flexibly in terms of time and location. The ZML developed so-called bMoocs for this purpose. In bMOOCs, the online content was closely coordinated with regional training courses offered in person.
MOOC "Guiding Perspectives"
On behalf of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, the ZML developed this MOOC as a training tool to introduce teachers to the six interdisciplinary guiding perspectives of the new 2016 education plans (education for sustainable development, tolerance & acceptance of diversity, prevention & health promotion, vocational orientation, media education and consumer education). After an introductory week, a guiding perspective is presented each week using videos, quizzes and tasks. Participants can discuss the content in moderated forums.
MOOC@TU9 is a cooperation project between the nine leading technical universities in Germany. It is a virtual lecture series under the motto "Discover Excellence in Engineering and the Natural Sciences - Made in Germany. Discover TU9!". The ZML coordinates the contribution of the KIT and is involved in the overall coordination.
MOOC "Idea Generation Methods"
This online course teaches methods for developing your own innovations in the energy sector. Participants learn about "Idea Generation" methods and are given the opportunity to apply them independently to their own project. The English-language MOOC was produced by the ZML together with the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Technology Management and Innovation for and in cooperation with InnoEnergy and initially took place on the iversity platform and later on the InnoEnergy platform iSE (Institute of Sustainable Energy).
MOOC Power Up: English for the Energy Transition. Be understood - be powerful. 2nd Edition
English as a "lingua franca" is a prerequisite for having a say in the energy transition. Accordingly, the ZML designed this MOOC as part of InnoEnergy as an English language course for the energy transition, which is aimed at professionals and students who want to acquire the necessary basic vocabulary on this topic. Participants will also learn how to communicate about the energy transition in English, enabling them to exchange ideas and network internationally and advance their international careers in the energy sector. The MOOC took place on the iversity platform and later on the InnoEnergy platform iSE (Institute of Sustainable Energy).
The seven-week online training course provides information on the use of mobile devices in everyday school life. It was developed on behalf of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs and is primarily aimed at trainee teachers and teachers.