Open learning opportunities
There are learning opportunities that are not only of interest to students or lecturers, but should also be made available to other target groups. We would like to present a few open learning opportunities that we were involved in creating.
Lectures on various topics can be viewed via our YouTube channel "KIT Teaching and Knowledge", for example. Free and public opportunities for further education are also offered by platforms such as OpenCourses and Coursera. Within some projects, we have developed courses for specific target groups that are also open to the public.
On our YouTube channel "KIT Teaching and Knowledge" we publish a variety of videos with exciting knowledge from teaching and research at KIT. In addition to our own video productions, you will also find lecture recordings from various degree programs. Ideal for getting a taste of different subject areas.
More and more courses are to be made freely available outside KIT. On the open learning platform OpenCourses KIT, you can take part in a number of courses free of charge, including the "NoPhish course" on Internet security or the "Procrastination MOOC" against perpetual procrastination.
In the AMALEA online course, interested parties can interactively acquire knowledge about the machine learning process using specific applications. The AMALEA course is generally structured in such a way that participants can work through the content individually in varying depth. Developed in close cooperation with the KI Campus, AMALEA has been available to all interested parties on the KI Campus platform without restriction since September 2021.
AMALEAThe aim of Coursera and its platform for digital learning is to make the educational content of various universities in the network available online. Founded in 2012 at the University of Standford, the company works with various universities around the world to provide a wide range of online courses. KIT offers the online course "Machine Translation" free of charge via the platform.

As part of the BePerfekt project, the online course "Knowledge and Technology Transfer COMPACT - An online course for more transfer in your institution" was created and can be found on the FokusTransfer website. With the help of the educational video series, participants learn how they can promote knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) in their institution, which steps are necessary to create and implement a transfer strategy and which trending topics are currently occupying the transfer community. Registration is required to participate in the course.
Energy-efficient building refurbishment is one of the potential future markets for the skilled trades. As several trades usually work in parallel in energy-efficient renovation, there is an increased need for further training and communication. The DiKraft project has therefore created compact learning modules, so-called learning nuggets, for skilled workers and trainees from the skilled trades. These can be accessed flexibly using mobile devices.