Digital teaching-learning formats in an international context

Digital teaching and learning formats are of fundamental importance when it comes to promoting internationalization at universities. Without much additional effort, they can open up new paths to cross-border collaboration. After all, digital media not only enable students to establish international contacts in preparation for a globalized working world. It is also possible for teachers to expand their network through cooperation with international partners and to complement their profile in joint teaching and research projects.

The provision of learning opportunities for international students and the implementation of transnational teaching cooperations require planning in terms of content and logistics. We support you in your project and advise you on didactic planning, digital tools and techniques, and multimedia design.

Contact persons at the ZML
Raphael Morisco (Eucor)
Phone: +49 721-608-48168
E-mail: raphael.morisco∂

Judith Borel (Eucor)
Phone: +49 721-608-48205
E-mail: judith.borel∂

Dr. Carolin Henken (E-Learning Services)
Phone: +49 721-608-48204
E-mail: carolin.henken∂