The software solution "DigiExam" has been successfully used at Aalen University since the summer semester 2020 to conduct written online exams under supervision (remote and on campus). As of June 2022 in over 25,000 examination cases. A transfer partnership funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts is testing whether the solution is also suitable for use at KIT.
In addition to the planned further development of the on-campus solutions at KIT, the project is also intended to implement and evaluate an alternative option to the current implementation of online examinations remotely (remote examinations) with ILIAS and ZOOM.
Remote examinations can contribute to making studies more flexible, as students could take an online exam without being present at KIT if necessary. Use cases arise in the context of (inter)national teaching cooperations, student stays abroad and the participation of students for whom it is difficult to take exams on site due to physical limitations, special life situations or family obligations.
During the project period (01.01.-30.06.2023), exemplary exams are to be implemented at KIT as online exams with DigiExam. Subsequently, a (operational) technical and legal evaluation as well as an evaluation from the perspective of the users (teachers and students) can be carried out, especially with regard to the user-friendliness and functionality of DigiExam.
Current information: An updated version of the statutes for online examinations at KIT came into force on 01.07.2023: According to this, online examinations under video supervision are currently no longer permitted at KIT. |
Funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg.
Contact person at ZML
Sarah Holstein
Phone: +49 721 608-48219
E-mail: sarah.holstein∂