Strategy fund project: Innovation space for generative AI at KIT

In view of the rapid developments and increasing use of generative AI, it is essential for KIT to make targeted use of its potential and address risks responsibly. The "Innovation Space for Generative AI at KIT", which was launched in January 2025, aims to develop a clear approach to this. The aim of the strategy fund project is to promote the competent use of generative AI in specific areas of application and to actively shape its further development.

The project is supported by three central KIT institutions: the Scientific Computing Center (SCC), the Digital Office (DO) and the Center for Media Learning (ZML). It will run for three years and is financed by the Presidential Board's Strategy Fund.

The aim is to develop a strategic vision and a flexible framework in order to systematically exploit the potential in a future-oriented manner. Explorative approaches are combined with concrete use cases in order to further develop both the technological infrastructure and practical applications in a targeted manner. At the same time, the project lays the foundation for the sustainable use of AI at KIT by involving experts and targeted qualification measures. In particular, we would like to invite colleagues with little or no previous knowledge to get involved in the topic of generative AI and make it easier for them to access this technology.

A website is currently being developed that provides specific offers for qualification and active participation in the field of generative AI.

Contact persons at the ZML
Svenja Geißler
Phone: +49 721 608-48154
E-mail: svenja.geissler∂

Jennifer Heck
Phone: +49 721 608-48167
E-mail: j.heck∂

Daniel Weichsel
Phone: +49 721 608-48207
E-mail: daniel.weichsel∂